Home Sweet Home: The Definitive Guide to Housing Resources
Housing Counseling Services
Homebuyer Counseling: Homeownership often instills a sense of personal pride and accomplishment. It can give you greater freedom and add to your financial security. But it can also be a complex and layered process. We can help navigate your experience, from the realtor’s role to home inspection.
Reverse Mortgage Counseling: We’ll explain how it works, including payout options, homeowner costs, tax implications, and other benefits and drawbacks. Once you complete a mortgage counseling session, you’ll receive a certificate that lenders require as part of the loan application.
Foreclosure Prevention Counseling: If you are behind on your mortgage or having trouble making your house payment, you are not alone. There are steps you can take to get back on top, and we can help with our foreclosure prevention counseling. Talk to a counselor to learn more.
995Hope Hotline: Another valuable resource for those who may have fallen behind in housing payments or face foreclosure/eviction, 995Hope housing counselors help you explore ways to get you back on track. Whether you need a long-term plan or immediate help, the sooner you reach out to a trusted counselor, the better your options.
LearningLab Online Courses
Housing 101: Buying a home involves some major decisions; it is a process that can be both exciting and intimidating. This kind of decision comes with lots of planning, and there are a few steps to consider before hiring a realtor and scheduling open houses all over town. This five-part course walks you from planning and preparing to closing day.
Share an example of a conversation with a servicer so you get an idea of what to expect and the options available before you call
Provide a list of vocabulary words to have handy when discussing your mortgage with your servicer
Consider the pros and cons of the options to keep and to leave your home, to help you decide what you want
Managing the Ups and Downs of Homebuying & Owning: Your home is one of the largest investments you will make in your lifetime, and typically your largest monthly expense. Learn how to navigate the homeownership journey as interest rates rise. Whether you are considering purchasing your first home or already own your home, we are here to offer guidance. Learn how to manage your budget and protect your housing investment during a hardship.
A Guide to Successful Homeownership: Are you excited to buy and move into your first home? Do you want to remove as much stress and frustration as possible? We are here to help. Join HUD certified housing counselors to learn about the steps to become a homeowner and how to maintain the home once you have a place that’s all your own.
Real $tories Podcast
Real $tories is a financial podcast where our guests and clients share their money journeys in their own words. Expect authenticity, vulnerability, and a little bit of inspiration.
Episode 24: Shannon McLay – Building Financial Strength with the Founder/CEO of Financial Gym
Episode 27: Regina’s Story – 3 Paths to a Brighter Future
Episode 29: Kimberly – “Side Hustling” to a More Balanced Life
Episode 35: Stephanie – Finding Opportunity in Adversity
Episode 37: Finding Forgiveness – David Tackles Loans, Law School, and Supporting a Family
Mortgage Assistance Guide: Mortgage assistance can be complex and confusing. This guide can help make it easier. This mortgage assistance guide provides:
Actionable steps to take now to protect your home
Links to useful resources
A summary of the options mortgage servicers can offer depending on the severity of your situation