Overdraft Protection Loans
Miscalculating a bill payment or forgetting to deposit a check can happen to the best of us. Luckily, SWACU can cover you when you sign up for overdraft protection.
If you write a check greater than the balance in your account, we'll automatically transfer funds up to your available limit to cover the payment. You can designate your savings account or a separate overdraft protection loan to do this. Give yourself some peace of mind with overdraft protection.
- Competitive rates
- Automatic transfer covers the amount of overdraft
- Avoid merchant fees and third-party bank fees
- Automatic transfer fee will apply
- Must apply for loan if not using savings account for overdraft
- Relieve stress of wondering when deposits will post
Example Repayment Term: 60 monthly payments of $351.84 for a $20,000 loan at 2.15%.
APR= Annual Percentage Rate.